More than 12,000 politicians on Twitter from 154 countries

As of now, this website is in progress and offers only a limited number of politicians on Twitter and their basic information. You can search by name or click on a country on the map below.

As of now, the database is composed of members of national parliaments (lower chambers) on Twitter in 32 European countries. You can read about it in the published article here. Also, the database includes a limited number of politicians from countries around the globe. Would like to contribute in any capacity? Contact us here. We welcome any cooperation. 

In the following weeks and months, many features and information (for example political parties, age, gender) on politicians will be added. Also, more politicians will be added and their other social media profiles. The website will be available in open data formats. Any updates will be posted here, you can follow also our Twitter or subscribe to our newsletter. The project aims to provide regularly updated platform both for the public (website) and academia (open data formats).